Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Conspiracy Theory

Before I begin this post, I need to first disclaim that these are my views and my views only. There is no facts or evidence but just my own active imagination. But its really up to you if this is true. So here goes..

If I asked you if you knew what are the 2 events that has brought the world out of an economic depression, what would you say? Give up?

War and Disease. 

In the course of history this 2 events has time and time again brought the world out of a depression and somehow this 2 events always resurfaces. 

Now let us take a look at our modern history since 1997. In 1997, there was the Asian Financial Crisis and in 2000 the tech bubble burst. The global economy was going into a tail spin. In 2001, there was 911, where the Twin Towers collapse that eventually introduced Osama as the perpetrator. Afghanistan was invaded as it is believed Osama hid there. But of course that led to bombing in London, Madrid and Bali. In 2003, there was SARS. Thereafter the economy rallied. 

In 2007 there was the sub-prime crisis that eventually led to the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the world economy collapsed. In 2009, H1N1 was declared a pandemic. The then World Health Organisation head, Indonesia actually mentioned that this virus was man-made (Hhhmmm...). In 2010, North Korea supposedly sunk a South Korean warship, almost throwing the 2 Koreas into war. But in the midst of the chaos the economy seem to be picking up with other measures like quantitative easing by America and other policies done by other countries. Economy seem to be improving and the North and South Korea incident just seem to disappear after some shelling and testing of missiles.

Just recently, the economy seem to be on the mends until the European countries cannot seem to get their act together and suddenly there is this flare up over the Senkaku Islands/ Diaoyu Islands. North Korea declares they have a nuclear warhead that can reach the US and North Korea declaring they are actually cancelling their cease fire agreement with South Korea. And we now have another strain of virus killing people in China.

So Tang what are you driving at? Well, it just seems that these incidences seem to happen at times when the global economy is on a downward trend. Why?

Well, if you have not catch the movie Lord of War, please do. But if you do not want to, let me just summarise it. Lord of War was about a small time gun runner that was selling arms to gangsters in the beginning. As his business got bigger, he started selling arms to troubled areas and eventually made it to be a millionaire. 

His business started to get noticed by a US detective and he was finally arrested as he was a threat to national security. Now at the closing credits there was a voice over by Nicholas Cage and it was mentioned that actually the biggest gun runners are the arm producing countries. And one of the biggest spending in many economies are in arms and therefore wars will never end....and spending usually kick-start economies.

So wars will never end. Wars will be there to strike fear and panic in people to justify spending in arms be it for defensive or offensive.

So if spending is key to kick start economies then how does diseases increase spending? Noticed how basic necessities disappear off the shelves when people panic thinking that the disease may become a pandemic? Canned foods, water, mask, medical supplies are bought as people think they will be quarantined at home. We even have people at this moment who are actually starting to prep either for a war, a pandemic or the end of the world. See National Geographic program Doomsday Preppers.

But Tang its just coincidences, just so happens that during slowing economy these things happens.... well maybe. But 3 in a row? Up to you to decide. 

But there are just so many stories about secret organisations that somehow I tend to get swayed. Now what if there really is a group, be it the freemasons, the templars (Top Ten Secret Societies) whoever that controls the world and all country heads were members sworn into secrecy, they orchestrate how the world is being played out and we are just pieces on a giant chessboard. Whatever it is the organisation always have to ensure there is progress. That economies have to be corrected if it is over heating, kick started if it is sputtering. But in long term ensure that there is progress in the world. 

For all we know Osama could be walking among us now, after shaving his beard and taking off his turban. He has just been an actor in a bigger order of things. We never actually seen his body anyway.

I have always believe that with these theories the way to invest is long term and diversified. Have insurance to cover the unexpected. Who knows where the next war will be... or the next disease may strike

Once again, this is my own opinion and my own opinion only. But whatever you want to believe is up to you.

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