Thursday, April 4, 2013

Miscommunication.. Has It Happened Yet

Our reliance on technology has redefined the way we do many things. Many have proved that you actually do not have to step out of the house and still be able to survive just relying on the internet alone. 

Lets look at the possibility of surviving not having to step out of the house at all. Lets look at basic needs of a human being according the the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs:
File:Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.svg
Photo from Wikipedia
Many of the aspect can actually be fulfilled by the internet. As long as you are home, your physiological needs of breathing, food, water, sleep excretion is taken care of. In Singapore, water can be drunk straight from the tap. Food can be ordered online. Groceries also bought online and delivered to your doorstep.

Money to buy the groceries? Do really stupid things like doing back flips and fall on your face or Harlem Shake, video it down. Post it on youtube, monetize the video and hope and pray it becomes viral....

Esteem seems to be bigger when you are on the internet, suddenly people can become more confident with more self esteem knowing they are under the shadow of the internet. They become racist, antagonistic and feel invincible posting comments on the internet. One will say things on the internet that he/ she will normally never say face to face to another person.

But one thing that the internet and technology has taken away is the art of communication. The feelings and emotions attached to a particular message is gone. And sometimes this creates unnecessary conflicts or misunderstanding.

Review this message. Text a friend to meet for lunch tomorrow. He said later ok? I thought later like later today, he meant later like tomorrow later. Well yes, he just replied the way he usually would if he was standing in front of me and I will have understood him clearly! Waited for him to finish his 'meeting' then text him about him still stuck in the meeting. It was then he called and said he meant tomorrow later....

So what went wrong? In the Neuro Linguistic Communications Model, communication is divided into 3 components:

1. Words
2. Tones
3. Body Language

Each component takes up a certain percentage to make it 100%. Now make a guess how much percentage does words take up? Some of you may say 50% or more because we talk everyday and we understand English as a language made up of words.... 7%.

Sure or not Tang 7%? Let me tell you all the percentages for the components first: Tones 38% and body language 55%. SURE OR NOT?

Ask yourself this ever felt that this particular person, although really friendly and chatty and all but there is something not right about him/ her? Ever see somebody and feel I cannot click with this person almost 2 seconds into meeting them, but not able to pin point why?

Its probably because 55% of their communication is not in line with yours already or whatever that is said by that somebody is not congruent with his body language. Think about the person you brand 'fake' after being acquainted with them, why? You probably cannot pin point why, but its probably because of in-congruence with what they are saying (words) and how they are saying it (tones & body language).

So if the next time you want to post something on Facebook, Twitter or any social media website. Think again, you never know you may find the authorities knocking on your door.

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