Monday, May 6, 2013

Dengue May Be Reaching Pandemic Levels

If the website about the dengue situation is true, dengue may be nearing a pandemic level in Singapore. Click here for dengue update. It never feel close enough until somebody close gets it.

My brother and girlfriend were victim of dengue fever few years ago and it was unbelievable the pain they went through. They have complained of joint pains and suffered high fever. There is no cure or vaccine for dengue fever only support is needed. Patients have to be monitored to ensure platelet counts do not fall below the normal level which may result in death in severe cases. Singapore experienced a dengue epidemic in 2005 and the situation now may escalate that is we do not do anything about it.
The only way to fight and prevent dengue is to be diligent in preventing dengue in our homes. All you need is just 10 mins to do a wipeout regularly. We just have to play our part in our homes.
But just in any case, you do get bitten. What measure have you put in place for hospitalisation? Have you upgraded your Medishield to ensure a more comprehensive coverage? Click here for Ministry of Health's estimated cost for treating dengue.
I am sure while you are reading this you are thinking that this will not happen to me. But if you re-frame your thinking and ask yourself what if it does? Now even if you do not think it will happen to you, if it happens to your loved ones? Are you prepared for the medical bills that they may incur? 

While you are still thinking, why not just fill up this simple questionnaire, leave your contact and lets sit down and discuss how ready you and your family is if dengue do strike.

And as of today 7 May there is another strain of mosquito borne disease happening in Bukit Timah, chikungunya. A disease similar to dengue. So please be vigilant, clear your stagnant water. Get yourself protected.. just in case.

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