Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I want to thank all my well-wishers on my birthday today 22nd May 2013. I just got older. So have you wondered why birthdays are celebrated? Well it seems that there is no real documentation of why Birthdays are celebrated. Though I will like to believe that in olden days, it is a joy to live another year if you have not already been taken by disease. I mean have you seen the average human life span in the early 1900s? People live till about only 40 plus years old. Today life expectancy is easily at 80. That is 40 more extra years!

So why the longer life span? Well with advent of new methodology to detect illness, these illnesses can be arrested earlier and treated, ensuring one live longer! In olden times, people say bless you when one sneeze because it may be the sign of one falling sick. And if you fall sick then, there may be a chance you will not survive. People were dying from the common flu! Today out common flu is treated at our local HDB block GP with that yellow tablet that makes you super drowsy and some can get high on..

So what is the future like in terms of life span? What are new medications that may be invented to treat our diseases? Will we live beyond a hundred? Will somebody invent something that will allow us to live like Benjamin Button after we hit 80? If you have not watch Benjamin Button, it is about a boy who lived his live backwards, from old to young.

We will never know what the future hold in terms of life span. But more importantly at this very moment if we know that our life span is about 80, what have you done to ensure that you will live life to the fullest? What have you done instead of burying your face in front of the office computer from 9 am to 9 pm at night? Have you set down and wrote your bucket list? The things you will want to achieve before death? Have you PLANNED to do those things?

Many of you may wonder why I sound like a pessimist, but I like to tell you 'I am not a pessimist but a planner' I control what I can control and spent less time worrying about what I cannot. I find predictabilities in unpredictables and control the predictabilities.

So when do you plan to retire? Do you intend to spend your whole life working? Those of you who is now thinking Tang retirement very far away leh... think again if you are 20, you only have 60 more years to live. If you are 40, you already lived half your life. If you are 60, I am sorry if you are still working without having the CHOICE not to work, but if you have a choice and you are working just to pass time, kudos to you!

So have you planned that upon your retirement, you can exercise the option of not working? If what I have mentioned is alien to you, please I urge you to make an appointment with your financial adviser, tell them to do a retirement plan for you. If your financial adviser just sells you products then call me, we can sit down and do a plan for your life and if you want to buy products from your adviser after doing your life plan with me, go ahead. I can rest peacefully knowing I have touched another life.

Mine! All Mine! My daughter at 1. Will she live to a hundred?

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Experiment Results

My experiment is now concluded and I am sorry if you guys was hoping for some explicit or controversial post. I apologise if I have disappointed some of you. Why the experiment Tang?

Well, blogger has a reader statistic counter next to the post that was published and I was shocked that my last post about financial literacy and HR only got 17 hits! While the rest average 50 plus. My conspiracy theory post got 80 plus hits. The post other people shared got 90 plus hits. 

So I was shocked that when Financial Literacy was in the title nobody read. I made sure all my post was published in the morning, shared on Google+, Linkedin and Facebook. Every post was similar. So I can conclude that as long as its about financial planning or financial literacy nobody is interested.

My last post with title telling people to use discretion because there may be offensive material got 4 hits in the first minute. By noon it has already hit 50 plus! 

I think I can conclude that most of us cannot be bothered about financial literacy. Most of us probably don't even care. That's sad! 
I read in awe last night about Angelina Jolie having a double mastectomy just to prevent cancer because she found out she has the BRCA gene that increases the chance of getting breast cancer and ovarian cancer. So as a prevention she had both her breast removed. 

Some doctors have argued that actually having the BRCA gene does not mean you WILL get cancer, though you will have a higher chance. But that can be sorted out through early detection and treatment of the cancer. The article also has some startling statistics for cancer.

Medical experts are worried about what they call The Angelina Effect, this effect is named after Angelina Jolie because when Angelina had her first kid she named her Vivienne and all of a sudden the name Vivienne became one of the most popular names for newborns. Experts are worried that because of Angelina's double mastectomy many women may opt to go for a medical check to find out whether they have the BRCA gene and eventually go for the double mastectomy just to prevent cancer, if they have the gene, which many experts feel is an over-reaction.

But one thing for sure we do not have to worry about The Angelina Effect in Singapore. We have to worry about the Man On The Street Effect. The man on the street cannot be bothered. They feel its not going to happen to them, even when their relatives have suffered from some illness. They rather read half truth post about preventing cancer on Facebook then to do something about it if it REALLY happens.

Many will do preventive things to prevent cancer or other illnesses. They exercise, they cut down on sugar, they diet, they take vitamins, they quit smoking. But the sad truth is: this does not take away the chance of you falling critically ill!! It just reduces the risk. I know perfectly healthy people contracting illnesses after doing all of the above and more. Perfectly fit and healthy people that just drop dead.

I have written extensively about planning for the future in all my post. I have also written extensively about predicting the unpredictable and expecting the unexpected. If you are reading this for the first time, please go back to my previous posts (yes all of them, great toilet reading material. You can read too instead of playing candy crush :P). But if in any case you are not, let me just quickly summarise, whether or not you are going to contract an illness or drop dead prematurely is unpredictable and unexpected for you and your loved ones.

But the only predictable thing during those unpredictable events is monies that are needed. Hospital bills, living expenses for self and loved ones (spouse, children, parents), unexpected cost. So if you just take the first step to first come to terms with the fact that 'yes I may fall ill or die prematurely' what are some of the expenses I cannot do without. What are the consequences if the monies needed to pay for these expenses are taken away from you and your family? Will you and your family need to change your lifestyle? Aussie education is now more expensive than US and UK, am I still able to send my kid overseas to study in future? Am I even able to pay for my kids tertiary education in Singapore since inflation is growing faster than my pay increase?

I know many of you have these questions but many also choose to compartmentalise these into small boxes at the back of your head. Out of sight out of mind. Many also fear speaking to a financial consultant one on one, therefore I will be running out some financial literacy workshops for individuals to learn how to do a basic financial plan for themselves. And since most companies ain't interested to empower their employees then you better empower yourself. These workshops will empower you with the knowledge to have a meaningful discussion the next time you sit down and talk to your financial consultant. I am in the midst of doing up financial planning tools on excel where anybody after attending the workshop can do a basic financial plan for themselves. Will update about the workshop in future post.

Monday, May 20, 2013

This post may be offensive, reader's discretion is advised..

Some of the things discussed may be controversial.. please read with diecretion

This is just an experiment. If you are reading this. Let me apologise first. Stay tuned for my next post where I will discuss the findings...

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Financial Literacy and Human Resource

Was asked by somebody if I have anything to offer the company's recreation club. I told her education and empowerment. I wrote a proposal to the recreation club stating that I will run financial literacy workshops and provide refreshments for FREE! I waited for a reply and I got none.

Just today, this person told me they actually tied up with another insurance company that is offering 25% discount to their staff. Sigh.... companies' sometimes just do not get it. It does not matter how much discount is given to the staff to purchase a plan, if the staff or employee is not empowered with the knowledge to make the right decision to purchase a suitable plan for their needs, 50% discount also no use.

In all my years in the financial industry, I always feel bothered that corporate staff of these financial institutions are not taken care of. They receive a call from an adviser, they say, I working in this and this bank or this and this insurance company.. ok so is your company providing you the financial planning that is needed? Probably not. Because it still about bottom-lines, market share and profitability.

I have tried time and time again to visit organisation's HR to offer financial literacy courses and have always met with, so Tang, how is your workshop going to benefit the company? Sigh.. firstly, what does the company rely on? Employees.. what does employees crave? Appreciation... and it goes further than telling them I appreciate you. It goes further than giving 25% discount on a policy, but more importantly by giving them the benefit of what the product will do for the benefit of you and your family first, then give 25% off the solution because the company understands that you and your family is important to the organisation..

Companies have to start understanding that even if you provide group insurance to your employees it does not mean when a catastrophic event happen to your employees, those group insurances will cover everything. There are limits so isn't it fair that you give your employees knowledge to empower them with a simple financial plan so that when certain event happens your employees do not come back to the company expecting company insurances to cover everything? If you have read my previous post you will understand how important it is to manage expectations.

Many I spoke to expects that the company insurances and medishield and medisave will be enough.. hhhmmm. Trouble..

So if you are reading this, ask yourself if you know the limits and terms & condition of your company insurance? If you don't you may want to consider forwarding this post to you HR. Be empowered today!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Dengue May Be Reaching Pandemic Levels

If the website about the dengue situation is true, dengue may be nearing a pandemic level in Singapore. Click here for dengue update. It never feel close enough until somebody close gets it.

My brother and girlfriend were victim of dengue fever few years ago and it was unbelievable the pain they went through. They have complained of joint pains and suffered high fever. There is no cure or vaccine for dengue fever only support is needed. Patients have to be monitored to ensure platelet counts do not fall below the normal level which may result in death in severe cases. Singapore experienced a dengue epidemic in 2005 and the situation now may escalate that is we do not do anything about it.
The only way to fight and prevent dengue is to be diligent in preventing dengue in our homes. All you need is just 10 mins to do a wipeout regularly. We just have to play our part in our homes.
But just in any case, you do get bitten. What measure have you put in place for hospitalisation? Have you upgraded your Medishield to ensure a more comprehensive coverage? Click here for Ministry of Health's estimated cost for treating dengue.
I am sure while you are reading this you are thinking that this will not happen to me. But if you re-frame your thinking and ask yourself what if it does? Now even if you do not think it will happen to you, if it happens to your loved ones? Are you prepared for the medical bills that they may incur? 

While you are still thinking, why not just fill up this simple questionnaire, leave your contact and lets sit down and discuss how ready you and your family is if dengue do strike.

And as of today 7 May there is another strain of mosquito borne disease happening in Bukit Timah, chikungunya. A disease similar to dengue. So please be vigilant, clear your stagnant water. Get yourself protected.. just in case.