Thursday, June 19, 2014

"I Hate My Job!"

So how often have you felt that way? How often have you felt unappreciated? How often do you feel you are overworked and underpaid? How often have you managed to leave office on time? Can you go on leave whenever you like without having to consider that somebody else is on leave? Do you feel sidelined because somebody else seems to be able to carry the boss's balls better? Have your promotion been deferred because the person they promoted joined the company earlier than you but you clearly did more?  Do you drag yourself out of bed every morning to go to work? Are you bored?

So if your answer to many of the above question is 'Yes', what steps have you taken to get out of it? Have you asked yourself what's your 5 years goal for your life? Can your current job help you achieve your goal? 

Yes, stay in your current job and somehow swallow the injustice, hang in there you are almost there!

No, then what steps have you taken to get yourself out of it?

Research have shown that 95% of us spend up to 45 years of our lives making the rest of the 5% successful and wealthy. Too many of us complain about our work but what do we do about it? Usually nothing.... we complain just to let go of the frustration. Frustration vented we forgot how miserable our work is.

I felt all of that when I was working in corporate. I was promoted after somebody because they came in earlier. I was not promoted because somebody has a better relationship with the boss. I decided it is time to take my life, my career into my own hands. Nobody should dictate whether I should get promoted or not. Nobody should dictate that the work I put in should only cost $80,000 per year.

I went back to the financial services sector as a consultant so that I can serve the people I love. I was in the financial sector since 2000 and went through the bad times and good times in the economy and every time people seem to lose money in their investments. They do not have proper advise when it comes to investments and make rash decisions that are detrimental to them. Many also make rash decisions regarding their insurances and other financial solutions that also makes no economic sense at all.

I know that doing the right things for my clients and managing expectations of clients investments will eventually give me the remuneration. So how am I remunerated, one basic principle:

See the people, help the people. 

The more people I see the more I will be remunerated. I have clients that say that they don't like to talk to us consultant's because we make a lot of money.... eerrrr.... it still comes with hard work. She eventually upgraded her Medishield plan to cover all the expenses in a private hospital. At the point when I delivered her policy, she asked me how much I will earn from that. I told her about $100 plus for her $500 plus premiums. She looked at me horrified and said Only?! I said yes.. so we don't make a lot of money through one person. We can make a lot of money from tears, sweat, blood and grit. It is still all effort that we put in. But we can control our remuneration by just determining the number of people we want to see, to get the kind of income we want. Want more, work more. Want less, work less. 

This is the place where it does not matter when you come in, how well you can make the boss like you to get your promotion. This is a place where if you put in the effort, see the people, help the people you can choose your path. You can decide to be a manager or you can get promoted through the ranks as a consultant. The choice is yours. 

I just got back in May from an incentive trip and will be going for another in 2 months. Fully paid. All because of effort and hard work.

I am starting a team this year and is looking for people to join me. What kind of person should apply:
  • Driven 
  • Adventurous
  • Motivated
  • Loves to help people
  • Knows what they want in life
  • Won't settle for less
  • Team Player
  • Loves fun and travelling
  • Not afraid of hard work
  • 'Can do' attitude
  • wants to be the 5% that is successful and wealthy
  • Singaporean or PR
This is an opportunity that may change your life. Opportunity is not for the chosen few, but for the few who chose. Are you the few?

Please do not apply if:

  • you want a fix pay
  • you are comfortable in your misery
  • you are not open
  • your job can fulfil your dreams
  • you hate to meet people
To apply, please submit your CV to: and I will get back to you shortly.

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