Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Was in Australia over the past 5 days and I am amazed at the advertisements on TV. There were numerous advertisements on TV about insurance and I wonder how many Australians actually pick up the phone and respond to the ad on TV. For the companies to be placing ads on TV, I am sure the call backs must be quite a number. We already know that in many mature economies like US, UK and even Australia many already have embraced the fact that they need to do a financial plan, and they NEED insurance. Well, in Singapore we still haven't got there yet where people actively search for a financial planner and tell them 'I need a financial plan.' Many still fear talking to an adviser probably because of the bad perceptions of them. 

But one ad on TV actually caught my attention. It is the ads on TV that tells people that 'You are not alone if you are in debt, call this number and our friendly consultants can help you with it.' Wow! There was easily 2 companies that is offering that service. Once again, my believe is that if the TV ads was not effective there will be nobody advertising on TV. I wonder if we place ads like that in Singapore how many will respond.

I think it is a very Asian mentality that we do not talk to strangers about our monies or debt issues. Like that Chinese saying about not hanging your dirty laundry in the open. So we will never admit we have a problem in front of a stranger, neither will we admit we need help with our finances. And being Singaporeans we are worse because we expect the government to handle everything for us. We think the government should stop the inflation so things are cheaper. We expect CPF to help us with our housing, retirement, and kid's education. 

And worse of all is that many think that in death all debts are erased. Many do not know that these debts are actually passed on to their dependants when premature death occurs. Many I have spoken to is surprise to find out that debts are not cancelled at death. Some individuals I have spoken to came from rich family backgrounds with one of the parents in highly successful businesses. Highly successful businesses are usually highly geared with business loans generating good profits for the business. But all these works well with the business owner still alive. When the business owner dies prematurely, these business loans are passed on to the business and if the business is a sole proprietor or partnership these loans are automatically transferred to the estate and recovered from families. Some of the people I have spoken to have been victims to such instances. They have to pay off their parents debt because they never believe that death will happen early.

So if you know you or someone close to you are in debt, there are solutions to consider. Do not be afraid to raise it up to your financial consultant. That is one thing we do too. We can help you ascertain critical expenses and ensure that monies are channelled to reduce your debt. We have solutions to help cancel debts during certain events to ensure that your dependants are not burdened or even you are not burdened by your loved ones debt. Call me 9180 3448 or email me tngjinyau@gmail.com if you do not have anybody else to speak to. This is not some ah long service, if you need me to lend you money to pay off your debts, click the X button on the top right hand corner now... 

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