Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Impossible To Retire in Singapore

How many times have we heard the phrase mentioned by Singaporeans? 'Singapore is getting too expensive.' 'How to retire here?' 'Government must do something'. It always irks me that many people expect the Government should do something for them, anything goes wrong its the Government. MRT breakdown, Government fault. Bus driver strike Government fault. Toilet breakdown, Government fault. Lorry knock down people, Government fault. I cannot retire, Government fault. 

The way I see it, many things are within the control of ourselves. Whether we can retire in future is very much dependent on the things we do today. For example, if you know you need to have 1 million in future at retirement, what do you do today? You save. But Tang, things getting more expensive in future! You save more. But Tang things so expensive now how to save? Why you never save earlier? But the truth is its all about managing your money. Too many of us (including me in the past) saves after spending. Our saving formula looks like that:

Salary - Expenses = Savings

But every month we have an excuse to spend on something or we want to go on a trip or there is a newly launched gadget or new season fashion or new handbag, new shoes, new everything... so Tang how to save?

Lets move the formula:

Salary - Savings = Expenses

Wa Tang like that no need to spend already. Well maybe, but  I dare bet that if your formula changes to the above you will definitely be able to retire. If you were to spend on one less gadget or one less holiday or even one less beer per week, you will have found some extra money to save for the future. 

If you believe that the above formula can work you will probably ask how much to set aside each month. Rule of thumb 10% to 20% of your current income will be a good start. As your salary increases (and I hope it does, if it doesn't please take a good hard look at yourself) you increase the saving amount to maintain the 10% to 20% ratio. 

Have a good mix of asset to ensure the monies you have set aside is moving your monies closer to the inflation rate. Yes property is a good hedge but please it should not be the only hedge. It is still an asset and the value will fluctuate. 

If you are currently planning for your retirement already, get a financial adviser to project and estimate the amount of retirement fund you will need and work backwards to ascertain the amount to save today towards your goal. This will give you a more specific amount to set aside on a regular basis. Once again, if this actually concerns you and you do not have somebody to speak to, please email me Whatsapp or SMS me 9180 3448. My consultation is on a no-obligation basis and I do not charge a fee.... yet...

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